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Signing up for an account on Egoola.com is quick, easy, and completely free! To sign up on Egoola.com, please go to the Sign Up page and follow the instructions. You can sign up with your phone number or email address or through your Facebook account.
To log in to your account, simply go to the Sign in page and enter your email or Phone Number and Egoola.com password. If you have created an account via Facebook, click on “Continue with Facebook” Or if you have created an account via mail then click on “Continue with mail” and follow the instructions.
To log out of your account, simply click the “Sign out” option.
To set a new Egoola.com password, please log in to your account, go to the Dashboard select “setting” and click on “Change password”
Then enter your current password. Type a new password, and confirm password. And click to “Update password” button.
If you have forgotten your Egoola.com password, you can:
  • Go to the Sign in page and click on the “ Forget password ” link
  • Enter your phone number or Email address. Then click to “Send reset OTP” Button.
  • Type a password & confirm password, then click to “Reset password” Button.
If you have created an account via Facebook or Mail, you will not have an Egoola.com password. You can Sign in to your account via Facebook or Mail without a password.
To change the details or information on your account, Sign in to your account and go to your Dashboard & click on the “Edit” icon near your profile picture.
Posting a service on Egoola.com is quick and easy!
Go to your Dashboard, click the “Add “Another Service” Button and follow the instructions. If you are not already logged in, you will need log in as the first step of posting your services. Your services will go live once it has been reviewed.
Posting a project on Egoola.com is quick and easy!
At first confirm you are Switch on buyer. Then go to your Dashboard, click the “Post My Project” Button and follow the instructions.
If you are not already logged in, you will need log in as the first step of posting your Project.
Your project will go live once it has been reviewed.
To edit your service or project, please go to your Dashboard and select “Active service” (if you are switch on seller) or “Active project” (if you are switch on buyer) then click on the “Edit” option.
After editing your service or project it will be again under review to the Egoola team. Wait for approval.
After submitting your service or project it will be under review on the Egoola team.
To delete your service, please go to your Dashboard,
After editing your service or project it will be again under review to the Egoola team. Wait for approval.
To delete your service
  • Click on “Post service” then select “under review service” and click on the “Delete” option which service you want to delete.
To delete your project
  • Click on “Post project” then select “under review project” and click on the “Delete” option which project you want to delete.
After approving your service or project you can’t delete it. You can deactive your service or project. If you deactive any service or project it will not show anyone. Click Here to know how to deactive any active service or project.
Also, you can re-active your service or project any time. Click Here to know how to active any Deactive service or project.
If you want any service to deactive, at first go to your Dashboard then
  • Click on “Post service” then select “Active service” and click on the “Deactive” option which service you want to Deactive.
If you want any project to deactive, at first go to your Dashboard then
  • Click on “Post service” then select “Active service” and click on the “Deactive” option which project you want to Deactive.
If you want re-active your service, go to your Dashboard then
  • Click on “Post service” then select “Deactive service” and click on the “Active” option which service you want to active.
If you want re-active your project, go to your Dashboard then
  • Click on “Post project” then select “Deactive project” and click on the “Active” option which project you want to active.
All of the service or project are manually reviewed by Egoola team. If your service or project violates our Posting rules it will be rejected.
You will be notified via notification why your service or project have been rejected.
  • Service or project that is illegal in Bangladesh.
  • Invalid information.
  • Sensitive content.
  • An unrealistic offer.
  • Offensive language.
  • Text in the title or description that is not related to the service or project.
  • Images that do not match or clearly show the service or project.
If you are not receiving responses to your service or project, please check if your service or project is correct in our posting rules . If it is correct then you can contact our support team.